Friday, July 5, 2019

Pseudo Visual Compiler Using Sockets

Pseudo Visual Compiler Using Sockets

This post is an update to those of 12/2018 through 3/2019 titled "Pseudo Visual Compiler of Decades Ago" and "Pseudo Visual Compiler using Interface to Ada as the OFP" and its follow on posts.  These posts were about having a C# CDU display with its Windows Forms and an Ada pseudo aircraft OFP application.  This post is about switching from the message delivery approach of that time to the new use of Windows Sockets as in the last five posts.

Using the June 2019 methods, it was an easy modification of the Ada application and a real simplification of the framework used by the C# CDU application. 

The reason for this exercise is due to my section named Comments in the "Kubernetes Follow-On (Part 4)" post.  It is an example of how the use of Windows Sockets really simplifies the delivery of a messages between application components.

Other areas that will be examined next will be the use of a different named pipe for each component to component interface to see if named pipes can then use the same methods and have direct delivery from one component to another.  Within the same application and between applications.  Then, if that succeeds, to have both socket addresses and named pipe names within the Delivery.dat file and have an intermediate software layer between the component and the socket or named pipe methods to determine which delivery method is to be used.

Ada Code

There is very little difference between ComOFP of implementing the pseudo OFP and Component2 of the "Kubernetes Follow-On (Part 4)" post.  There are also minor changes to Socket-Client and Socket-Server to be directly passed a byte array for Transmit and to pass a received byte array back via the message callback.  That is, instead of passing a string a byte array is passed and it is for the component to "know" the format of the message and encode or decode it from the byte array.


This simple component is only to check the received message and send a response that can be displayed in the text box of the CDU form of the C# application.  It is much like that of the "Pseudo Visual Compiler using Interface to Ada as the OFP - Part 5" post.  That is, in concept to decode the received message and create the response.  Its ComPublish has to have the code to support the delivery of the message so has extra code.

The Install procedure is directly similar to Component2 of the "Kubernetes Follow-On (Part 4)" post.  The forever loop activated by the Threads package is a nothing procedure since the receive callback as invoked by Socket-Server causes the transmit via SendResponse.  The SendResponse procedure runs in the Receive Callback thread of Socket-Server.

The message callback first checks if the format of the message matches either of the two messages that ComCDU would transmit.  If not, it aborts the execution.  If the keypush message, SendResponse is invoked to decode the string data that follows the first 3 bytes and create and transmit the response.  Where the response is the three leading bytes to specify the topic and the length of the string that follows.

with Itf;
with Socket.Client;
with Socket.Server;
with System;
with Text_IO;
with Threads;
with Unchecked_Conversion;

package body ComOFP is

  package Int_IO is new Text_IO.Integer_IO( Integer );

  -- Wakeup Event handle of the component
  : ExecItf.HANDLE;

  : ExecItf.HANDLE;

  SocketFromCDU : Boolean; -- keypush message
  SocketToCDU   : Boolean; -- response message

  procedure Callback
  ( Id : in Integer

  -- Receive Message from ComCDU
  procedure ReceiveCallback
  ( Message : in Itf.BytesType

  -- Convert Message data to a string, create response, and transmit it
  procedure SendResponse
  ( Message : in Itf.BytesType

  procedure Install is

    Result : Threads.RegisterResult;

    use type Threads.InstallResult;

    function to_Callback is new Unchecked_Conversion
                                ( Source => System.Address,
                                  Target => Threads.CallbackType );
    function to_RecvCallback is new Unchecked_Conversion
                                    ( Source => System.Address,
                                      Target => Socket.ReceiveCallbackType );

  begin -- Install

    CurrentThread := ExecItf.GetCurrentThread;
    -- Install the component into the Threads package.
    Result := Threads.Install
              ( Name     => "ComOFP",
                Index    => 0, -- value doesn't matter
                Priority => Threads.NORMAL,
                Callback => to_Callback(Callback'Address)

    if Result.Status = Threads.VALID then
      ComponentWakeup := Result.Event; -- make visible to ???

       -- Request the ability to send to ComCDU.
      SocketToCDU := Socket.Client.Request( "ComOFP",
                                            1 );
      if not SocketToCDU then
                 "Socket.Client not valid for ComOFP, ComCDU pair" );
      end if;

      -- Request the ability to receive from ComCDU.
      SocketFromCDU := Socket.Server.Request
                       ( "ComOFP",
                         to_RecvCallback(ReceiveCallback'Address) );
      if not SocketFromCDU then
                 "Socket.Server not valid for ComOFP, ComCDU pair" );
      end if;

    end if;

  end Install;

  -- Return component's wakeup event handle
  function WakeupEvent
  return ExecItf.HANDLE is
  begin -- WakeupEvent
    return ComponentWakeup;
  end WakeupEvent;

  -- Received message from ComCDU
  procedure ReceiveCallback
  ( Message : in Itf.BytesType
  ) is

  begin -- ReceiveCallback

    Text_IO.Put("ComOFP received a message: ");
      use type Itf.Byte;
      Text_IO.Put_Line("Received Message");

      -- Check if connect message to receive from ComCDU
      if Message.Count = 3    and then
         Message.Bytes(1) = 3 and then
         Message.Bytes(2) = 3 and then
         Message.Bytes(3) = 0
      then -- "connect" message received.  Ignore it.
        Text_IO.Put_Line("Connect message received");
      end if;

      -- Check if valid message to receive from ComCDU
      if Message.Count < 4 or else     -- no room for text
         Message.Bytes(1) /= 1 or else -- Topic of CDU
         Message.Bytes(2) /= 1         -- Topic of Keypush
        Text_IO.Put_Line("ERROR: Invalid message - can't be from ComCDU");
        ExecItf.ExitThread( ExitCode => 1 );
        -- Parse the message and transmit the response
      end if;

  end ReceiveCallback;

  -- Forever loop as initiated by Threads
  procedure Callback
  ( Id : in Integer
  ) is

  begin -- Callback

    Text_IO.Put("in ComOFP callback");
    Text_IO.Put_Line(" ");

  end Callback;

  procedure SendResponse
  ( Message : in Itf.BytesType
  ) is

    –- Convert data to string
    Data : String(1..Integer(Message.Bytes(3))); -- third byte is size of text
    for Data use at Message.Bytes(4)'Address;

    Response   : Itf.BytesType;
    MessageOut : String(1..16);
    for MessageOut use at Response.Bytes(4)'Address;

    use type Itf.Byte;

  begin -- SendResponse
    Response.Bytes(1) := 1; -- CDU topic
    Response.Bytes(2) := 2; -- CHANGEPAGE topic
    Response.Bytes(3) := 0; -- erroneous input
    MessageOut := ( others => ASCII.NUL );

    if Message.Bytes(3) = 2 then
      if Data(1..2) = "UP" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 11;
        MessageOut(1..11) := "Up Selected";
      end if;
    elsif Message.Bytes(3) = 3 then
      if Data(1..3) = "DIR" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 3;
        MessageOut(1..3) := "DIR";
      end if;
    elsif Message.Bytes(3) = 4 then
      if Data(1..4) = "PROG" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 4;
        MessageOut(1..4) := "PROG";
      elsif Data(1..4) = "PERF" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 4;
        MessageOut(1..4) := "PERF";
      elsif Data(1..4) = "INIT" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 4;
        MessageOut(1..4) := "INIT";
      elsif Data(1..4) = "DATA" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 4;
        MessageOut(1..4) := "DATA";
      elsif Data(1..4) = "PREV" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 13;
        MessageOut(1..13) := "Previous Page";
      elsif Data(1..4) = "NEXT" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 9;
        MessageOut(1..9) := "Next Page";
      elsif Data(1..4) = "DOWN" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 13;
        MessageOut(1..13) := "Down Selected";
      end if;
    elsif Message.Bytes(3) = 5 then
      if Data(1..5) = "LSKL1" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 13;
        MessageOut(1..13) := "LineSelect L1";
      elsif Data(1..5) = "LSKL2" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 13;
        MessageOut(1..13) := "LineSelect L2";
      elsif Data(1..5) = "LSKL3" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 13;
        MessageOut(1..13) := "LineSelect L3";
      elsif Data(1..5) = "LSKL4" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 13;
        MessageOut(1..13) := "LineSelect L4";
      elsif Data(1..5) = "LSKL5" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 13;
        MessageOut(1..13) := "LineSelect L5";
      elsif Data(1..5) = "LSKL6" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 13;
        MessageOut(1..13) := "LineSelect L6";
      elsif Data(1..5) = "LSKR1" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 13;
        MessageOut(1..13) := "LineSelect R1";
      elsif Data(1..5) = "LSKR2" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 13;
        MessageOut(1..13) := "LineSelect R2";
      elsif Data(1..5) = "LSKR3" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 13;
        MessageOut(1..13) := "LineSelect R3";
      elsif Data(1..5) = "LSKR4" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 13;
        MessageOut(1..13) := "LineSelect R4";
      elsif Data(1..5) = "LSKR5" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 13;
        MessageOut(1..13) := "LineSelect R5";
      elsif Data(1..5) = "LSKR6" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 13;
        MessageOut(1..13) := "LineSelect R6";
       end if;
    elsif Message.Bytes(3) = 10 then
      if Data(1..10) = "FLIGHTPLAN" then
        Response.Bytes(3) := 10;
        MessageOut(1..10) := "FLIGHTPLAN";
      end if;
    end if;
    if Response.Bytes(3) = 0 then
      Text_IO.Put_Line("ERROR: Invalid Key data");
      Response.Bytes(3) := 16;
      MessageOut(1..16) := "Invalid Key data";
    end if;        
    Response.Count := Integer(Response.Bytes(3)+3);

    if SocketToCDU then
      Text_IO.Put_Line("ComOFP to send to ComCDU");
      if not Socket.Client.Transmit( 2, 1, -- from 2 (ComOFP) to 1 (ComCDU)
                                     Response )
        Text_IO.Put_Line( "Message not sent to ComCDU" );
      end if;
    end if;

  end SendResponse;

end ComOFP;

Except for the modifications below the rest of the Ada code is the same as that in the "Kubernetes Follow-On (Part 4)" post.

Socket-Client only differs from the final Kubernetes posts in that Transmit is passed a message of type Itf.BytesType rather than String that has the Count field giving the number of bytes of data and the Bytes field.  Therefore, Transmit doesn't need to do anything to Send a byte array.  So the portion of Transmit that does the Send is now
      -- Send
        Bytes_Written :=
          ExecItf.Send( S     => Data.SenderData.List(Index).Sender,
                        Buf   => to_PCSTR(Message.Bytes'Address),
                        Len   => ExecItf.INT(Message.Count),
                        Flags => 0 );
      if Bytes_Written /= ExecItf.INT(Message.Count) then
        Text_IO.Put("ERROR: Socket-Client Message Send failed");
        Text_IO.Put(" ");
        Text_IO.Put_Line(" ");

        return False;
while the rest of Transmit as well as the rest of Socket-Client is unchanged.

Socket-Server only differs from the final Kubernetes posts in the code that receives the message and forwards it to the component.  The declaration of Message of
    -- Message as read from socket
    : Itf.Message_Buffer_Type;
was removed from the Callback as no longer necessary.  The declare block following a valid C_Accept is now (showing the Accept)
      -- Accept a client connection.
      Client_Socket :=
        ExecItf.C_Accept( S       => Data.ListenerData.List(Index).Listener,
                          Addr    => null,
                          AddrLen => null );
      if Client_Socket = ExecItf.INVALID_SOCKET then

        Text_IO.Put_Line("ERROR: Server Client Socket NOT accepted");

      else -- Accepted


          -- Message as read from socket
          : Itf.BytesType;

          function to_Int is new Unchecked_Conversion
                                 ( Source => System.Address,
                                   Target => Integer );
          Received_Size :=
            ExecItf.Recv( S     => Client_Socket,
                          Buf   => to_Ptr(Message.Bytes'address),
                          Len   => ExecItf.INT(Message'size/8),
                          Flags => 0 );

          if Received_Size < 0 then
              Text : Itf.V_80_String_Type;
              Text.Data(1..32) := "ERROR: Socket-Server Recv failed";
              Text := TextIO.Concat( Text.Data(1..32),
                                     Integer(Index) );
            Result := ExecItf.CloseSocket( S => Client_Socket );
          elsif Received_Size = 0 then
            Text_IO.Put_Line("ERROR: Socket-Server Receive of 0 bytes");
          elsif Integer(Received_Size) > Itf.MessageSize then
              "ERROR: Socket-Server Receive of more than MessageSize bytes");
            --         terminate; -- has to be from elsewhere
            --accept Quit;
            exit; -- has to be from elsewhere


            -- Pass the message to its associated component
            Message.Count := Integer(Received_Size);
            Data.ListenerData.List(Index).RecvCallback( Message => Message );

            Result := ExecItf.CloseSocket( S => Client_Socket );

          end if; -- Received_Size < 0
where the Recv function reads directly into the relocated and retyped Message with the Received_Size set as the Message.Count after the validations.  Then the received Message is passed to the component message callback without converting it to a string.

No other changes were necessary and the above two were only necessary since it is now up to the component to encode and decode the message, as a byte array, according to the format of the message.  Where the format is agreed by the two components involved.  In this case ComOFP and the remote ComCDU component.

C# Code


In the Kubernetes Follow-On posts, the Program class Main method that is entered upon the application launch invokes a framework class to structure the application like other, non-Windows Forms applications.  That is discarded in this Windows Sockets version.  Instead, Program is
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace SocketApplication
    static class Program
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main()
            if (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name == null)
                System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "MainThread";
            currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess();

            // Open ConsoleOut text file

            // Locate, read, and parse Delivery.dat to build DeliveryTable

            // Install the components of this application.

            // Now, after all the components have been installed, create the
            // threads for the components to run in.
            //  o In addition, the TimingScheduler thread will be created.
            //  o There will be a return from Create and then the created threads
            //    will begin to execute.  And the main procedure application
            //    thread will no longer be executed -- instead, the created
            //    threads will be the only threads running.

            // Except, that with this framework plus Windows Forms application,
            // this main procedure application thread will continue to be
            // executed in the CDUForm.
            CDUForm cduForm;
            cduForm = new CDUForm();
        } // end Main

        static private Process currentProcess;

    } // end class Program
} // end namespace

This first gets the currently running process as before.  Next it invokes the initialization that is necessary before the Windows CDUForm can be run.  That is,
1) ConsoleOut that is necessary because, as a forms application, there is no console.  Therefore, ConsoleOut is used to write the text to a file that can be examined after the application has been terminated.
2) Delivery to locate the Delivery.dat file, read it, build the Delivery Table, and verify it.
3) Install the ComCDU component, only component of the application.
4) Create the threads requested by the preceding class instances causing their callbacks to be entered – each in its own thread.

Then, the Windows CDUForm is run.  This is the replacement for the Form1 created by the Visual C# Express application of Microsoft which is created when the project is setup as a Windows Forms project.  As I discovered when first attempting to blend Windows Forms with my delivery framework code, this allows Windows forms events to occur while sending messages between applications as long as there is an interface that waits to return to the Windows form until it can proceed.  The created Form1 is ignored and, in this case, the CDUForm is run instead.  The CDUForm uses the CDUForm.Designer and the CDUForm.cs[Design] of the Kubernetes Follow-On posts unchanged while CDUForm.cs itself was used with only slight changes.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace SocketApplication
    public partial class CDUForm : Form
        static private ComCDU comCDU = new ComCDU();
        static private CDUForm cduForm = new CDUForm();

        // The type to be returned by ComCDU
        public struct Result
            public bool success;
            public string text;

        public enum Key
        { // the line select keys and a portion of the other non-alphanumeric keys
        } // end enum Key
        public CDUForm()
        } // end constructor

        public void DisplayPageTitle(string text)
            // Display new Title if key push was to known page
            if ((text == "DIR") || (text == "PROG") || (text == "PERF") ||
                (text == "INIT") || (text == "DATA") || (text == "FLIGHTPLAN"))
                DisplayLabel.Text = text;
            // Display result in text box no matter what
            textBoxL2.Text = text;
        } // end DisplayPageTitle

        // This method is to react to a key push
        private void React(Key key)
           ConsoleOut.WriteLine("React " + key);
//           if (ComOFP.connected) // fully connected to remote app
              // Send key to OFP application
              Result result = new Result();
              result = comCDU.TreatKey(key);
              if (result.success)
                  textBoxL2.Text = "key ignored";

        } // end React

        // Beginning of event handlers

        // These event handlers all invoke the React method to allow a common
        // method to determine whether in the build table mode or the OFP mode.
        // This allows a common form to be used to interpret the button push
        // as from the visual compiler / table builder or from the OFP using
        // the created table.
        private void LSKL1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void LSKL2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void LSKL3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void LSKL4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void LSKL5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void LSKL6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void LSKR1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void LSKR2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void LSKR3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void LSKR4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void LSKR5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void LSKR6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void DIR_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void PROG_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void PERF_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void INIT_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void DATA_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void FPLAN_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void PREV_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void NEXT_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void UP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void DOWN_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void DisplayLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    } // end class

} // end namespace

This version of CDUForm is practically identical to the previous version.  Except, as can be seen, the check for connected to the remote component has been commented out and the local component has been renamed ComCDU rather then ComOFP.

Any key click event invokes the React method passing the enumerated literal to it.  React then passes the enumerated literal for the key to TreatKey of ComCDU.  TreatKey doesn't return until the key has been treated by attempting to transmit it to its paired component – that is, ComOFP of the Ada application.  This takes advantage of sockets where SocketClient Transmit will return immediately if there isn't a connection.  Therefore, TreatKey will return a negative result and the "key ignored" message will be displayed in the text box.


This component generally follows ComOFP of the Kubernetes Follow-On posts.  It has the SocketServer and SocketClient declarations, the removal of the Topic references and the Disburse queue, the addition of the connectMessage towards the beginning.  The Install is simplified to be like Component1 of the previous post to request the separate thread and the socket connections to transmit to and receive from ComOFP.

The MainEntry thread callback has the requested Index passed to the change to Threads that it doesn't really need but which is needed for the modification to Threads.  This thread only loops attempting to transmit the connectMessage until the transmit is successful indicating a connection with the ComOFP component.

It contains the ReceiveCallback method in place of the AnyMessage that previously treated received messages from the Disburse queue.  ReceiveCallback being what SocketServer invokes to pass the received message to the component.  This method just checks if the first 3 bytes of the message correspond to a valid response.  If so, the receivedChangePage is set to the string value of the bytes that follow the first three and responseReceived is set to true to notify TreatKey that it can return the response to the CDUForm.

TreatKey differs somewhat from the Kubernetes Follow-On posts.  It first has to obtain the string that represents the enumerated type in data, format the byte array to contain the new topic identifier in the first two bytes and the length of data in the third byte, and then format the string into a byte array in the following bytes.  Then it can attempt to transmit the byte array.  It the Transmit fails, a response indicating the failure is returned to CDUForm.  Otherwise, the method waits (as previously) for responseReceived to be indicated.  When this happens, it returns success along with the response text to CDUForm for display in the text box.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace SocketApplication
    class ComCDU
        static private SocketServer socket1from2;
        static private SocketClient socket1to2;

        // This component contains only two topics.  To send the selected CDU
        // key to the remote OFP app and to receive the response.

        static private CDUForm cduForm = new CDUForm();

        static private byte[] connectMessage = new byte[] {3, 3, 0}; // topic and no data
        static public bool connected = false; // connected to remote app 2

        static private bool responseReceived = false;
        static private CDUForm.Result response = new CDUForm.Result();
        static private string receivedChangePage = "";

        static public void Install()
           // Install the component into the Threads package.
           Threads.RegisterResult Result;
           Result = Threads.Install( "ComCDU",
           if (Result.Status == Threads.InstallResult.VALID)
               // Install this component via a new instance of the Windows Sockets
               // class with its threads to transmit to ComOFP of the Ada app
               socket1to2 = new SocketClient( "ComCDU",
               if (!socket1to2.ValidPair())
                       "ERROR: SocketClient not valid for ComCDU 1, ComOFP 2 pair");

               socket1from2 = new SocketServer( "ComCDU",
               if (!socket1from2.ValidPair())
                       "ERROR: SocketServer not valid for ComCDU 1, ComOFP 2 pair");

           } // end if

        } // end Install

        // Entry point
        static void MainEntry(int Index)
            while (true) // loop forever
                if (connected)
                // wait for remote app (remoteAppId of 2) before wait for event -
                // inform user that key pushes can now be handled
                    if (!socket1to2.Transmit(1, 2, connectMessage))
                        Thread.Sleep(100); // wait and check for connected by
                    }                      //  attempted a new transmit
                        var result = MessageBox.Show("Ok to use keys", "TreatKey",
                        connected = true;

            } // end forever loop

        } // end MainEntry

        // Notify of received message
        static void ReceiveCallback(byte[] Message)
            ConsoleOut.Write("ComOFP received a message: ");
            ConsoleOut.Write(" ");
            ConsoleOut.Write(" ");
            ConsoleOut.Write(" ");
            ConsoleOut.Write(" ");
            if ((Message[2] > 0) && (Message[0] == 1) && (Message[1] == 2))
            { // valid message
                receivedChangePage = Encoding.ASCII.GetString
                                     (Message, 3, Message[2]);
                responseReceived = true;
                ConsoleOut.WriteLine("ERROR: Invalid message received " + Message[0] +
                    " " + Message[1] + " " + Message[2] + " " + Message.Length);

        // Publish key push to be delivered to App2; wait for response
        public CDUForm.Result TreatKey(CDUForm.Key key)
            responseReceived = false;

            string data = key.ToString(); // convert enum to string for message
            byte[] keyMessage = new byte[4 + data.Length];
            keyMessage[0] = 1; // CDU Topic of
            keyMessage[1] = 1; //   Keypush
            keyMessage[2] = (byte)data.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                keyMessage[3 + i] = (byte)data[i];
            if (!socket1to2.Transmit(1, 2, keyMessage))
                ConsoleOut.WriteLine("ERROR: Couldn't send Key Push message");
                // Return the response to CDUForm
                responseReceived = false; // set in advance of the next request
                response.success = false; // no response received
                response.text = "";       // no string received
                return response;
            // Wait until response received
            while (true)
                if (!responseReceived)
                    Thread.Sleep(100); // millisecs
                    break; // exit loop
            // Return the response to CDUForm
            responseReceived = false; // set in advance of the next request
            response.success = true;  // response received
            response.text = receivedChangePage; // the string received
            return response;

        } // end TreatKey

    } // end ComCDU class
} // end namespace

Therefore, the amount of code is much less than before.

Modifications to SocketClient and SocketServer

The only differences in SocketClient from the previous post is
        public bool Transmit(int FromId, int ToId, byte[] Message)
        { // Message to be sent
            if (Message.Length == 0)
                return false;
at the beginning of Transmit to pass a byte array and check for no bytes passed; the use of ConsoleOut rather than Console, and directly sending the byte array rather than first needing to convert the string to a byte array.

For SocketServer the only differences are again the use of ConsoleOut rather than Console and directly using the bytes array to pass to the recdCallback rather than needing an intermediate step.

The other socket class (that is, SocketData) is unchanged.  The same for Threads and Delivery (again except for the use of ConsoleOut rather than Console).


The Delivery.dat file is
where 1xx.y.zz is replaced by the IP address of the particular PC.

A screen shot of CDUForm following a click on the F-PLAN button is

That is, the same results as in the last "Pseudo Visual Compiler using Interface to Ada as the OFP" posts while using the simpler interface to Windows Sockets where the messages are sent directly from one component to another.

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