Further continuing on from my
previous explorations that followed Learn to Code Grand Rapids “Building a Real World App in VS 2017, Part I”
of August 10 I decided to try Pascal - a language that I first (and last) used
in 1990 at SCI in Huntsville Alabama.
At that time I had liked it for the brief time that I was part of a
small project. Maybe since after a
couple of weeks I was able to guide others who had been on the project longer
about how to program in it.
I had seen that GNAT GPS had
Pascal as one of its options as a language.
However, in trying to use it GPS would give me an error that it didn't
recognize a compiler for Pascal. So I
did an internet search and found Free Pascal and downloaded its Win32 version. It installs to C:\FPC\3.0.2 and the install
did put the path to its bin subfolder into the Windows system path.
However running it was
extremely ugly. I tried GNAT GPS again
but even with the path to it in the system path, GNAT GPS didn't find it to use
as the Pascal compiler.
So I went searching for
something else and in doing so I came across Lazarus. I downloaded lazarus-1.6.4-fpc-3.0.2-win32.exe (128.8 MB) into
C:\lazarus. This proved to be a Windows
IDE for the previously installed Free Pascal compiler. A much, much better solution. So I was off and running. (Up and running?) I sure had no memories of what the language looked like.
It assumed that the source code
would be in C:\lazarus\fpc\3.0.2\source.
Multiple kinds of projects can be selected. I forget which I used at the beginning that created .lpr Lazarus
Project Main Source file. After I had
problems with the debugger I tried a Console application project that is a .pas
Pascal file for the source.
Since Pascal has both a record
structure and the ability to declare and implement a class I have included
examples of both. The record structure
for the KeyData record type and the KeyTable class that includes the number of
different keys and an array of the KeyData record type. Unlike in C# and Java the implementation of
a procedure or function is not included within the class declaration. Instead a declaration of the
procedure/function is included within the class and separate code has to be provided
to implement the procedure or function like happens for an Ada package. Although, with Ada, the private procedures
and functions don't need a declaration in the package specification or even in
the package body if the implementation is done prior to any invocation of it.
It took me a while to get the
use of a class worked out. As I found
problems with the code that caused exceptions I don't know whether this was
because I wasn't storing values within the bounds of an array or because I
hadn't created the KeyTable class as associated with a Pascal class; in my code
TCustomApplication with a constructor and destructor.
In any case, the example of a
record is
// Global types
fieldArray = array[1..3] of integer;
valueArray = array[1..20] of integer;
// Data about a particular key
KeyData = record
key : integer; //
numeric key
valueCount : integer; // number of different values associated
with key
values : valueArray; //
different values associated with key
sums : valueArray; //
number of references to a value
keyArray = array[1..30] of KeyData;
where keyArray is an array of
the KeyData record while the record has two fields of the valueArray.
The KeyTable class is
// KeyTable class
KeyTable = class(TCustomApplication)
keyCount : integer; // number of different keys
keys : keyArray; //
value of key - one in each array position
// Data to be retained as the key and its associated value with
// maximum number of references
maxKey : Integer;
maxValue : Integer;
maxSum : Integer;
constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
// Initialize
procedure Clear();
// Update keyTable with data from a parsed line
procedure Update(data : fieldArray);
// Add the values or increment their sums
procedure addValues(keyIndex : Integer; value1 : Integer;
value2 : Integer);
procedure add2ndValue(keyIndex : Integer; value2 : Integer);
procedure updateTotals(key : Integer; value : Integer; sum :
// Report the results
procedure Report();
end; // KeyTable class
Each of the procedures are
separately implemented as with
k : integer;
begin // Clear
keyCount := 0;
for k := 1 to 30 do
keys[k].valueCount := 0;
maxKey := 0;
maxValue := 0;
maxSum := 0;
savedData[1] := 0;
savedData[2] := 0;
savedData[3] := 0;
end; // Clear
where the name of the class
precedes the name of the procedure.
Each has to name its local variables first following the var
keyword. This is also similar to Ada
where the variables are named prior to the begin statement. However, unlike Ada where a loop index type
can frequently be determined by the context without needing to be declared, it
has to be included after the var keyword for Pascal. In C kinds of languages it is specified in the loop statement.
Instances of the class are
named following a var keyword visible to the none class procedure calls that
invoke one of the procedures of the class.
Such as
// Static variables
Table : KeyTable; //
instance of class
// Entry point from
operating system
begin // LearnToCodeGR
// Initialize
Table := KeyTable.Create(nil);
. . .
// Report the results
Here, of course, the name of
the class is used in setting the instance of the class while the second dotted
notation has been used to specify that that instance of the class is to be
It should be noted here that,
like Ada and unlike C, case makes no difference. Therefore I named the instance of the class as Table rather than
keyTable as I would have in a language where case mattered.
However, initially (as with the
other languages) I first determined how to read the max-col-sum-by-Key.tsv
file. In doing so I found that the
statement, where buffer is a
string, inputs up to the end-of-line LF and/or CR but doesn't include these
characters in the data string.
Therefore, the Parse procedure (when it was added) had to change in
recognizing the end of the final field - the second value and the third field
of interest.
Note that, like Ada, Pascal has
both functions, that return a value, and procedures that don't. Also, in many other ways creating this
Pascal application there were reminders of the syntax of Ada. Which must have been the reason that I liked
Pascal on that long ago occasion when I had reason to use it. I did find the need to surround the code
following an if or loop statement with begin … end; blocks a little
excessive. Ada doesn't need the begin
but does have the end statement (end if; and end loop;). C and the like have { } brackets of course. Whereas { } brackets can be used to surround
a comment like /* */ in C.
There is some required sequence
of keywords. For instance, the internal
procedures and functions have to be included after the variables (that follow
the 'var' keyword) of the program.
The arrays can start anywhere
so I have switched to begin some arrays with an index of 1 while leaving others
to start at 0 to correspond to the C code.
The code in Pascal is
program LearnToCodeGR;
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
Classes, SysUtils, CustApp;
// Global types
fieldArray = array[1..3] of integer;
valueArray = array[1..20] of integer;
// Data about a particular key
KeyData = record
key : integer; //
numeric key
valueCount : integer; // number of different values associated
with key
values : valueArray; //
different values associated with key
sums : valueArray; //
number of references to a value
keyArray = array[1..30] of KeyData;
// KeyTable class
KeyTable = class(TCustomApplication)
keyCount : integer; // number of different keys
keys : keyArray; //
value of key - one in each array position
// Data to be retained as the key and its associated value with
// maximum number of references
maxKey : Integer;
maxValue : Integer;
maxSum : Integer;
constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
// Initialize
procedure Clear();
// Update keyTable with data from a parsed line
procedure Update(data : fieldArray);
// Add the values or increment their sums
procedure addValues(keyIndex : Integer; value1 : Integer;
value2 : Integer);
procedure add2ndValue(keyIndex : Integer; value2 : Integer);
procedure updateTotals(key : Integer; value : Integer; sum :
// Report the results
procedure Report();
end; // KeyTable class
// Static variables
Table : KeyTable; //
instance of class
savedData : fieldArray; // data to be visible between multiple
// KeyTable constructor
and destructor
KeyTable.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
inherited Create(TheOwner);
end; // Create
inherited Destroy;
// KeyTable procedures
procedure KeyTable.Clear();
k : integer;
begin // Clear
keyCount := 0;
for k := 1 to 30 do
keys[k].valueCount := 0;
maxKey := 0;
maxValue := 0;
maxSum := 0;
savedData[1] := 0;
savedData[2] := 0;
savedData[3] := 0;
end; // Clear
KeyTable.Update(data : fieldArray);
// This procedure first
checks if the key is new and, if so, adds it to
// the keys array. It then does similar for the values
associated with it.
// Note: data[1] is the
key while data[2] and data[3] are the two values
// associated with the key.
keyIndex : integer;
k : integer;
begin // Update
// Save data to be updated for use by updateTotals since needed
by multiple functions
savedData[1] := data[1];
savedData[2] := data[2];
savedData[3] := data[3];
// Check whether the key is already in the table
keyIndex := -1;
for k := 1 to Table.keyCount do
if (keys[k].key = data[1]) then
keyIndex := k; // key already in the table
break; // exit loop
end; // for loop
if keyIndex < 0 then // key not in the table
begin // add the key
keyCount := keyCount + 1;
keyIndex := keyCount;
keys[keyIndex].key := data[1];
end; // end if
// Add the values for the key
addValues(keyIndex, savedData[2], savedData[3]);
end; // Update
KeyTable.addValues(keyIndex : Integer; value1 : Integer; value2 : Integer);
valueIndex : integer;
v : integer;
begin // addValues
// Check whether the first value is already in the table
valueIndex := -1;
for v := 1 to keys[keyIndex].valueCount do
if (keys[keyIndex].values[v] = value1) then
begin // value already in the table
valueIndex := v;
keys[keyIndex].sums[v] :=
// increment its number of references
keys[keyIndex].sums[v] + 1;
if (value1 = value2) then // 2nd value the same
keys[keyIndex].sums[v] := // increment again
keys[keyIndex].sums[v] + 1;
// check if new max
break; // exit loop
end; // end loop
if (valueIndex < 0) then // value not yet in table
begin // add value to the table - index points to last value
keys[keyIndex].valueCount := keys[keyIndex].valueCount + 1;
v := keys[keyIndex].valueCount;
keys[keyIndex].values[v] := value1;
keys[keyIndex].sums[v] := 1;
if (value1 = value2) then
keys[keyIndex].sums[v] := // increment
keys[keyIndex].sums[v] + 1;
// check if new max
// else
if (value1 <> value2) then
Table.add2ndValue(keyIndex, value2);
end; // end outer if
end; // addValues
// Add the second value or
increment its sum
KeyTable.add2ndValue(keyIndex : integer; value2 : integer);
valueIndex : integer;
v : integer;
// Check whether the second value is already in the table
valueIndex := -1;
for v := 1 to keys[keyIndex].valueCount do
if (keys[keyIndex].values[v] = value2) then
begin // value already in the table
valueIndex := v;
keys[keyIndex].sums[valueIndex] := // increment its number of
keys[keyIndex].sums[valueIndex] + 1;
// check if new max
break; // exit loop
end; // end loop
if (valueIndex < 0) then // value not yet in table
begin // add value to the table
v := keys[keyIndex].valueCount;
keys[keyIndex].values[v] := value2;
keys[keyIndex].sums[v] := 1;
keys[keyIndex].valueCount := keys[keyIndex].valueCount + 1;
end; // add2ndValue
KeyTable.updateTotals(key : Integer; value : Integer; sum : Integer);
if (sum > maxSum) then
maxKey := key;
maxValue := value;
maxSum := sum;
end; // updateTotals
WriteLn( 'Key ', maxKey, ' with Value ', maxValue, ' has maximum
Sum of ', maxSum );
end; // Report
// General functions and
function toInt(data :
string; iStart : integer; iEnd : integer) : integer;
NINE = '9';
ZERO = '0';
numZero = integer('0');
index : integer;
digit : integer;
m : integer = 1; //
multiplier for shift
number : integer = 0; // Numeric result
begin // toInt
index := iEnd; // loop in reverse
while (index >= iStart) do
if ((data[index] >= ZERO) and (data[index] <= NINE)) then
digit := integer(data[index]) - numZero; // convert ASCII to
number := number + (m * digit);
m := m * 10;
index := index - 1;
toInt := number; // return converted value
end; // toInt
// Parse each line of data
in the buffer to obtain the three fields of
// interest, converting
those fields to integers into an array, and
// then updating a data
structure to retain the data for evaluation
// when the complete
buffer has been parsed.
procedure Parse(count :
Integer; data : string);
HT : char = #9; // horizontal tab
convertedValue : integer;
nextField : integer = 0;
// index of the beginning of next field
startField : integer;
// range of indexes of
numFields : integer = 0;
// index into dataFields array
dataFields : fieldArray;
// Integer values of the three fields of interest
index : integer = 0;
begin // Parse
while index < count do
// Parse the buffer line
if (data[index] = HT) then // beginning of a field
startField := nextField; // save starting index
nextField := index + 1;
// the next byte will contain part of next field
if (numFields > 0) then
//convert and store in dataFields
dataFields[numFields] := toInt(data, startField, index -
end; // end if numFields > 0
numFields := numFields + 1;
end; // end if HT
index := index + 1;
end; // while loop
// Convert and store last field since it ends at the last char of
convertedValue := toInt(data, nextField, count);
dataFields[numFields] := convertedValue; //toInt(data, nextField,
// Save the data to determine the key, value combination with
// maximum number of references
end; // Parse
// Variables needed by the
main entry point program
FileIn : Text;
buffer : string; // line
of data from the Text file
// Entry point from
operating system
begin // LearnToCodeGR
// Initialize
Table := KeyTable.Create(nil);
// Open file
Reset(FileIn); // Ensure that at the start of the file
// Read and Parse each line
while not Eof(FileIn) do
Readln(FileIn,buffer); // input the string of the file line
// Parse the line and update to retain all the necessary data.
Parse(Length(buffer), buffer);
// Report the results
// Terminate
end. // LearnToCodeGR
Note that in KeyTable.addValues
I wanted to use an else statement but had trouble getting the compiler to
accept it. So the else is commented out
and is followed by a second if statement to obtain the opposite result. That is, the two values being equal prior to
the //else and being unequal following it.
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