After taking a month
long vacation I got the Linux version of the C# display app to interface, via
the A661 protocol, with the Ada user app that sends commands to the display app
to modify what's displayed and receives events from the display app that
specify the operator's interaction with the display.
This post will
concentrate on the changes to the display app and the user app to run under the
Linux operating system. These are
mostly involved with the use of Linux named pipes rather than MS Pipes used for
the transfer of data using Windows.
After both applications
(separately launched processes) were able to communicate to make the A661
display layer active and enabled, as requested by the user app after power up,
I found that button clicks were not received by the display app so such events
could not be forwarded to the user app.
Thus the operator (myself) couldn't cause the display to be modified. The display was only modified by the dynamic
commands from the user app to hide or make visible various buttons and to
update the date and time widget (i.e., control). This problem will be the subject of another post.
In the previous post
"Linux C# Mono for Display App" of the first part of December of a
month and a half ago, I mentioned that the concurrent queue class was no longer
available in the MonoDevelop release.
This didn't prove to be a problem.
Instead of declaring the "queue" instance as
ConcurrentQueue<queueType> queue = new
for a concurrent queue,
the queue instance was changed to
Queue Q = new Queue();
Queue queue = Queue.Synchronized(Q);
without using the
formatted queueType.
Even though the queue
no longer used the queueType, my Enqueue and Dequeue methods still worked as
they did in the Windows display app.
Also, the launch of the
user app from the display app worked whereas I thought there would be a
problem. This is the case if the
display app is run from a Linux terminal.
The launched user app can have problems if launched from the MonoDevelop
application running the display app mono solution. So I created a script (runcds) to start fresh each time from a
terminal window.
delete the named pipes created by the display and user apps
run the display app that runs the user apps
Sideshow - Import of
When thinking that I
would need to create my own C code to be invoked from the Mono code to do
implemented Microsoft C# features that the Windows display app was using, I
found out how to create my own dll and import it into the MonoDevelop
code. Afterwards this proved to have
been unnecessary since I never had to write my own named pipe interface. However, I will briefly outline the
technique here.
1) The C function
header to be part of the dll is created as name.h where name is
the creator's choice and the C function header contains the function declarations. Of course, the name should not match
an existing name in the root lib folder.
For example, I named
the file external_interface.h with the contents.
// File
// This header
provides the C interface from which to create
libexternalinterface.so as the dll to use to support the C#
// applications.
int Invoke(int
Method, int Count, char* Name );
int Test(int
#endif //
2) The C function code
is created as name.c. It
contains the function code for the functions of the header and any needed
private functions. It must also contain
the _init() and _fini() functions. For
// File
int LogOpened = 0;
int LogHandle = -1;
int Invoke(int
Method, int Count, char* Name)
int Result = Method;
printf("Inside Invoke\n");
if (LogOpened == 0)
LogHandle =
if (LogHandle < 0)
return -2;
LogOpened = 1;
if (Method == 1) // make pipe for read only
char path[Count+1];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < Count; i++)
path[i] = (char)(Name[i]);
path[Count] = 0;
printf("path: %u %s\n", Count,
if (LogHandle >= 0)
return mkfifo(&path, 1);
return -3;
int Test(int Method)
int xxx = 1000;
if (Method == 0)
xxx = 10;
else if (Method == 1)
xxx = 100;
return xxx;
void _init()
printf("Inside _init()\n");
void _fini()
printf("Inside _fini()\n");
There is a problem with
the passing of strings, for instance, from C# to C. (See Invoke function.) I finally worked it out with one method in
the above example.
3) Compile the shared
library as
$ gcc -fPIC -c name.c
$ ld -shared -soname libname.so.1 -o
libname.so.1.0 -lc name.o
Note: The leading $ on the above lines indicates
that running in a Linux terminal window user the creator's login. Also that "name" of -soname is not
in italics. That is, to be used as is
rather than replaced by the dll creator's name.
The dll is created via
the pair of commands of this step. The
suffix so is used in Linux instead of dll.
There is libname.so.1 and libname.so.1.0. The Linux so extension stands for shared object. name.o of the second line is the
object output by the gcc compile line.
4) Install the shared
library by copying libname.so.1.0 to /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib and
switching to super user (su) and changing the directory, i.e., cd /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib, to the lib folder. Then,
#ldconfig -v -n /usr/lib or
#ldconfig -v -n /usr/local/lib
Note: The leading # indicates that now running as
the super user.
5) Create the link for
the linker name as
#ln -sf libname.so.1 libname.so
The creator's
MonoDevelop class can be represented by the following External_Interface class
of external_interface.cs. (Note: lower
case first letters for file names is somewhat standard usage in Linux. GNAT, for instance, expects it.)
public class External_Interface
public External_Interface ()
} // end constructor
private static extern int Invoke(int
Method, int Count, byte[] Name);
public static int Invoke_mkfifo(char[]
path, int mode)
ASCIIEncoding encoding = new
byte[] arr =
int Result = Invoke(1, path.Length, arr);
return Result;
} // end method Invoke_mkfifo
} // end class External_Interace
// end namespace A661CDS
The DllImport provides
the path to libexternalinterface where externalinterface is the name
portion of the steps above to create a dll.
Other Mono classes can
then reference External_Interface Invoke_mkfifo to access the Invoke function
of the creator's dll. Passing a Mono
char array to C is also illustrated.
Gtk Problems:
After getting the A661
interface between the display and user apps running I found that the
Exploratory Project display app (as built with MonoDevelop) wouldn't receive
button click events. While attempting
to get button clicks to work I ran into problems with Gtk and Gtk# when I tried
to do some test MonoDevelop examples found via internet searches. These will be discussed more in another blog
But suffice it to say
for now, attempts to build the examples with my Fedora 17 installation (with
Gtk and Gtk# downloaded and installed) failed with Mono giving error messages
that it didn't recognize references to Gtk even with "using Gtk;"
specified. Same type of thing with the
MonoDevelop for Windows that I downloaded on a desktop Windows 7 PC. (This latter download, without looking into
it to much, seemed to only run in a DOS window. I expected better.)
Using the Windows
MonoDevelop download and the test case helloworld.cs from the internet of
using System;
using Gtk;
public class
public static void Main()
Note: Gtk is referenced by the using but isn't
necessary for the code.
Using the downloaded mcs.bat file as instructed by the Mono site,
the DOS command "mcs MONO_OPTIONS helloworld.cs" wouldn't
compile. Same with the command
"mcs -pkg:gtk-sharp-2.0 helloworld.cs" as given by the
Mono site. Instead it output errors for
various dll files, such as gtk-sharp.dll, not being found. I finally determined that the Mono site was
giving Linux instructions rather than instructions for the use of the Windows
I then made my own
mcs.bat file (in my own folder that I had created for the example test
helloworld.cs file) as follows:
@echo off
echo mono_options
echo next1
MONO_OPTIONS=/r:%dlldir%\pango-sharp.dll /r:%dlldir%\atk-sharp.dll /r:%dlldir%\gdk-sharp.dll
echo next2
"C:\PROGRA~2\MONO-2~1.9\lib\mono\2.0\mcs.exe" %MONO_OPTIONS% %*
where the echo commands
were done to check what the settings were.
The last set command and the last line are both shown as two lines in
the above text since they can't being displayed as one line. But they are both one line in the .bat
file. Note: C:\PROGRA~2\MONO-2~1.9 is the DOS contraction of the Windows
folder into which Mono was installed.
The last line supplies
the MONO_OPTIONS as the arguments for mcs.exe in the Windows DOS manner. The MonoDevelop site document had
MONO_OPTIONS prior to invoking mcs (that is, "mcs MONO_OPTIONS
helloworld.cs" so DOS was using MONO_OPTIONS (or -pkg:gtk-sharp-2.0) as
the arguments for mono.exe (I imagine) rather than for mcs.exe. This caused the dlls not to be found.
Linux Mint:
I then installed 32-bit
Linux Mint version 14 "Nadia" Cinnamon on the desktop PC. And what a joy it has turned out to be in
the very limited time that I have used it.
More on that in another blog post.
For now, I then downloaded MonoDevelop to Linux Mint and installed it. With that, MonoDevelop runs as a visual app
as it had with Fedora while it had no problems with finding Gtk for the test
And, after yet another
internet search, I found a reason for the lack of receipt of button click
events and was able to do another example – after making some modifications to
get it to compile.
The event problem was
due to MonoDevelop needing a special kind of container widget in which to place
child widgets from which events were to be received. I will next attempt to apply this to the Exploratory Project and
report in a future blog post. In the
meantime, here is the code of the modified example.
using System;
using Gtk;
namespace test3
public class GtkHelloWorld
public static void Main()
// Create the Window
Gtk.Window myWin = new
Gtk.Window("GTK# Button Click Application");
RadioButton rbt1 = new RadioButton(null,
RadioButton rbt2 = new RadioButton(rbt1,
RadioButton rbt3 = new RadioButton(rbt1,
// Create container for event widgets to
allow events to be received
VBox vbx1 = new VBox();
// Add the radio buttons to the
vbx1.PackStart(rbt1, false, false, 0);
vbx1.PackStart(rbt2, false, false, 0);
vbx1.PackStart(rbt3, false, false, 0);
// Create a label and put some text in
Label myLabel = new Label();
myLabel.Text = "Button Click
// Add the label to the form
// Show Everything
// Add radio button click event handlers
rbt1.Clicked += delegate(object sender,
EventArgs e)
if (rbt1.Active)
{ // don't display when
becomes inactive
rbt2.Clicked += delegate(object sender,
EventArgs e)
if (rbt2.Active)
rbt3.Clicked += delegate(object sender,
EventArgs e)
if (rbt3.Active)
// Run the application
} // end method Main
} // end class GtkHelloWorld
} // end namespace
Notice, that although
the internet response that reported the need for the special event widget said
that each button (for instance) for which a click event was to be received had
to be a child of its own event widget, the example is able to have four widgets
added to it as child widgets - three of which are radio button widgets for
which click events are to be received.
The MonoDevelop build reported an error when the label widget was added
to the window rather than to the special VBox widget (as a sample event
widget). The error was that the window
could only have one widget. No error
when the label was also added to the VBox widget and it was the only widget of
the window.
Finally - Interface
via Named Pipes between MonoDevelop app and Ada app:
In the Exploratory
Project display app I cloned the MS_Pipe class as a Named_Pipe class and found
that I got exceptions trying to open the pipes. Hence my thinking that I would need to provide my own dll (so) to
implement named pipes.
It turned out that the
original error was due to MonoDevelop not supporting the
PipeTransmissionMode.Message option that I had used with MS_Pipe of
Windows. Switching to
pipeServerXmit = new NamedPipeServerStream(
PipeDirection.InOut, // The pipe is bi-directional
1, //
// Byte-based communication
PipeOptions.None, // No additional parameters
Display.BUFFER_SIZE, // Input buffer size
); // Output buffer size
with the use of Byte
rather than Message allowed the pipe stream to be created.
Note: In the Exploratory Project two named pipes
are used for each pair of apps. One to
be used by the first app to send A661 messages to the second app which the
second app uses for its receive from the first. The other named pipe is used by the second app to send A661
messages to the first app where the first app does its receive using this
second named pipe. This can be observed
in the runcds bash script provided at the beginning of this post. That is,
rm /home/clayton/Source/EP/DisplayLayer1App01to15
where the A661 user app
(the Ada app) is identified as app 1 and the display app (the MonoDevelop app)
is identified as app 15.
Note: The path part of the name indicates where the
pipe "file" will appear via an ls command (dir in DOS).
The names have been
created to indicate the direction of the message transmission. In this case, the number of the A661 display
layer (that is, 1) is also included to allow different pipe pairs to be created
for communication for different layers.
The display app treats all the A661 layers while different user apps can
treat events of a particular layer and provide commands for what that layer is
to display. For instance, apps 2 and 3
are anticipated in the runcds bash script which can exist in the Exploratory
Project but, for which, the display app hasn't been fully implemented for A661
although previously implemented for a simple text protocol.
With the modification
from the use of PipeTransmissionMode.Message to PipeTransmissionMode.Byte the
problem became to implement a generic Named_Pipe Ada package to replace the
MS_Pipe package of the Windows user app design illustrated by the "A661
Component Interface" figure that follows.
In the figure, there is
a GUIn package (for instance, GUI for Layer 1 and named GUI1 in the Ada code)
to be the A661 layer manager for each display layer treated by a particular
user app. Each GUIn package
instantiates an instance of the MS_Pipe package to be the driver for the
pipe. Each instance will open each of
the two pipes of the pipe pair.
The MS_Pipe package is
similar to a C# class where the instantiation creates an object with its own
data but using the common code. The
Transmit method can be called directly by the GUI1 since no separate thread is
needed. However, each instantiation
creates its own Receive thread via the framework. Therefore, individual threads are able to wait for a message via
their receive pipe.
The received messages
must be provided to the correct GUIn package for treatment. This is done by supplying a callback to a
GUIn package method to queue the received message when the generic package is
instantiated. After reading the pipe,
the particular Receive thread invokes the supplied callback that executes
within the particular GUIn package while running in the Receive thread to queue
the message and then send a wakeup event to itself (since the Receive thread is
the thread that is currently running) to enter its wakeup callback and read the
The cloned MS_Pipe
package was then reworked to treat Linux named pipes as the Named_Pipe generic
package and associate the correct pipe name for Named_Pipe transmit and for
Named_Pipe receive.
With these changes, the
pipes between the user app and the display app connected and the GUI1 package
sent the initial A661 command to enable layer 1. Layer 1 then became enabled so that the widgets became enabled
rather than just visible according to the xml of the Definition File. The display app then sent its A661
acknowledgement that the layer was enabled and visible.
GUI1 then allowed the
command messages generated by the Dynamic Action (DAs in the figure) components
to be transmitted. The implemented
dynamic actions output the current date and time to a particular widget of the
Definition File and output hide and make visible commands to various button
widgets of the Definition File.
Thus the displayed
layer dynamically changed.
However, the buttons
that the operator clicked upon to send widget action events to the user app
failed. The MonoDisplay app didn't
receive the events and so didn't send them to the user app via the named
pipe. Not being received, the Layer
Management GUI1 couldn't forward them to the particular Widget Action (WA)
component that the application had associated with the widget identifier
contained in the widget event message.
As mentioned in the Overview, this problem will be discussed in another
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