Saturday, April 2, 2011

Exploratory Project Component Specified Verification Function

Exploratory Project Component Specified Verification Function

After solving the latest thread interaction problems that occurred as I added more test components to interact (as I mentioned in the previous post), the integration/consolation of the verification of topic messages to be done before a component can read the data – see the Exploratory Project Component Specified Verification Function post – took no time at all and was completed in an afternoon.

The verification of the topic messages has been integrated to occur at two different places. 

One, for messages received from a remote application, the initial verification occurs as the message is received.  The message header contains information as to what component sent it including the identifier of the application, the message CRC, the topic identifier, etc.  This information is used to verify the message matches the CRC; that the message source is an expected publishing component for the topic; etc.  This verification was implemented long ago in the lifetime of the Exploratory Project.

Two, for both remotely received and local messages, validation is performed when a component instantiates a Reader of the topic.

First, common validation that is done for any topic is performed.  Further validation of the header can be done for remotely received messages (that is, with a source application that is different from that of the running application).  Such validation makes no sense for locally published messages since the header is rarely used for such messages.  But if a CRC is produced in the future, it should be validated here.  Likewise, validations for correct combinations of attributes can be performed.  For instance, that the reading component is the consumer of the topic.

Second, if these common validations indicate that the topic instance is valid, the Valid function of the topic is invoked to perform common validations of the particular topic.  These validations are encoded in the topic’s Ada package (or C++, C# class/structure).  The topic’s class declares the structure of the topic data (other than the header) to provide the format of the data in the data buffer containing an instance of the topic.  The topic’s Valid function can perform checks on this data to verify that the data is usable by any reader.

Third, if the topic specific validation indicates that the message is usable, the Topic Validation function checks if the component of the topic reader has registered its own verify / filter function.  If it has, it passes the address of the data to this function where the component can check that the data values are such that it should act upon the new instance of the topic.

If all the validations succeed, the pointer to the data buffer is returned by the Reader to the consumer component.  Otherwise, the pointer is set to null to prevent the component from accessing the data.  This pointer is such that it references the data in the structure declared by the topic class but only allows the data to be read.  (A different pointer is returned to a producer component Writer that allows data to be copied (that is, written) to the newly assigned data buffer.  This pointer becomes invalid as soon as the component publishes the topic.)  When the data buffer is released, the reader pointer is reset to null indicating that the data buffer is no longer available to be read.

Before the latest change, the topic Valid function was callable by the component after the Reader returned the pointer to the data.  And the component could perform any filtering that it wanted on the data as well.  It still is able to do the later rather than registering a verify/filter function.  Also, a publishing component can fill in the data and then invoke the topic’s Valid function to check whether the combination of values are valid as far as the particular topic class is concerned.

These changes were made so that all the Reader validations could be automatically done prior to the use of the data by a component for its purposes.  That is, to encourage complete validation of a received message prior to using the data rather than scattering it throughout the user’s code and allowing checking of data fields prior to knowing if the message itself was valid.

This comes with some negatives as well as far as component specific validation / filtering.  This is because, with the current implementation, the address must be typecast to a pointer of the correct format.  Thus the component specific function could modify the data.  (The topic Valid function could as well although it should be better controlled as a more general package/class.)

These negatives can be corrected by implementing a Verify instantiation of the topic that would return the pointer as the Reader does.  (A second Reader can’t be used since that would cause circular execution.  Although, most likely, this could be prevented by an object that would indicate that the second Reader has to be that of the component’s Verify function such that most of the validation has already been done.)  These negatives will be corrected in a future implementation.

An example using snippets of Ada code follows.

One, the registration of a topic consumer by a component to also provide a Verify function.
  procedure Install is

    --| Treat all widgets with ids between 100 and 199
    : constant mC.Itf_Types.Delivery_Id_Array_Type
    := ( ( 100, 199 ), ( 0, 0 ), ( 0, 0 ), ( 0, 0 ), ( 0, 0 ) );

    --| Deliver topic when identifier is between 100 and 199
    : constant mC.Itf_Types.Delivery_List_Type
    := ( Count => 1,
         List  => Deliver_Id_List );

  begin – Install


    --| Logic_Step:
    --|   Register to consume all delivery (widget) ids of the "Topic Widget
    --|   Event" One-of-N message between 100 and 199.

    ( Participant => Component_Key,
      Detection   => mC.Itf_Types.Event_Driven,
      Role        => mC.Itf_Types.Consumer,
      Delivery_Id => Delivery_Id,
      Callback    => Treat_Widget_Event'access,
      Verify      => Verify_Delivery_Event'access,
      Access_Key  => Topic_Widget_Event_Access_Key,
      Status      => Data_Status );


  end Install;
where  the Verify parameter provides the callback to the Verify_Delivery_Event function. 

This function has the same characteristics as the Verify_Filter_Entry_Point_Type access type
  type Verify_Filter_Entry_Point_Type
  --| Callback to execute component and topic specific verify/filter function
  -- ++
  --| Overview:
  --|   This function is a component specific verify/filter function to be
  --|   executed when the component instantiates the reader for a topic.
  --|   If the component includes a verify/filter function callback when it
  --|   registers to consume a topic, the component supplied function will
  --|   be executed following after the Valid function of the topic.  Both
  --|   must be successful for pointer to the instance of the topic data
  --|   to be returned to the component to enable the data to be examined.
  -- --
  is access function
  ( Data : in System.Address
  ) return Boolean;

Two, an example of a topic package specification (visible part) and body (implementation).

package mT.Topic_Widget_Event_Layer1 is
-- ++
--| Overview:
--|   This package declares the widget event topic where the producer
--|   component mimics one that receives ARINC-661 events from a display
--|   processor / application and then publishes these events as a 1-of-N
--|   topic to notify the particular consumer component that registered
--|   to be notified of the topic when the ARINC-661 event identifier
--|   matches the Delivery Identifier for which it registered.
--|   This topic is delivered such that the consumer receives each update
--|   rather than the most recent as for Data Flow and Event Driven.
--|   Therefore, multiple buffers may be needed to retain past updates that
--|   the consumer, due to its relative priority or processing time, the
--|   nature of the producer component, or other reasons prevent it from
--|   treating each update before another is produced.  The registering
--|   consumer component is able to specify the number of additional buffers
--|   that it needs.  If an insufficient number are specified (or the
--|   consumer component is no longer able to read the topic) the producer
--|   will fail to obtain a new write buffer until a new buffer is again
--|   available.
-- --

  : constant mC.Message.Topic_Id_Type
  := mC.Message.Topic_Widget_Event_Layer1_Id;

  : constant String(1..25) := "Topic Widget Event Layer1";

  type Data_Type is

    Widget_Id : Display_Interface.Widget_Id_Type;
    --| Identifier of widget that sent the event

    Event_Tag : Display_Interface.Widget_Event_Type;
    --| Identifier of the type of event

    Text      : String_Tools.Variable_String_Type;
    --| Any text associated with the event

  end record;
  for Data_Type'size use 67*32; -- bits
  for Data_Type'alignment use mC.Message.Message_Alignment; -- bytes

  type Topic_Type
  is record
    Header : mC.Message.Message_Header_Type;
    Data   : Data_Type;
  end record;
  for Topic_Type'alignment use mC.Message.Message_Alignment; -- bytes
  for Topic_Type'size use mC.Message.Message_Header_Size*8+(67*32); -- bits


  function Valid
  ( Data : in mC.Message.Data_Address_Type
    --| Address of particular data buffer
  ) return Boolean;
  --| Validate the Topic Data
  -- ++
  --| Overview:
  --|   This function returns TRUE if Message data can be accessed by its
  --|   pointer and passes the validation.
  --| Limitations:
  --|   This function must ONLY be used to validate data following the
  --|   instantiation of a topic Reader.  It must NOT be used after the
  --|   instantiation of a topic Writer since it will overwrite the Valid
  --|   flag of the instantiation parameter causing the lack of the
  --|   assignment of a write buffer pointer to appear to be valid.
  -- --

  type Topic_Type_Access is access Topic_Type;
  for Topic_Type_Access'storage_size use 0;
  --| Make sure a user doesn't allocate storage for these objects

  function Address_to_Data_Ptr
  ( Data : in System.Address
    --| Address of data buffer provided by Reader
  ) return Topic_Type_Access;
  --| Return a pointer to the topic data
  -- ++
  --| Overview:
  --|   This function returns a pointer to an instance of the data of the
  --|   topic as instantiated by the topic reader.
  -- --


  package Data
  --| Accessor to topic data
  is new mC.Message.Topic( Id         => Id,
                           Name       => Name,
                           Protocol   => mC.Itf_Types.Point_to_Point,
                           Permanence => mC.Itf_Types.EP,
                           Exchange   => mC.Itf_Types.Delivery_Identifier,
                           Kind       => mC.Itf_Types.Request,
                           Data_Type  => Topic_Type,
                           Validation => Valid'access );

end mT.Topic_Widget_Event_Layer1;

package body mT.Topic_Widget_Event_Layer1 is
-- ++
--| Overview:
--|   This package declares the widget event topic where the producer
--|   component mimics one that receives ARINC-661 events from a display
--|   processor / application and then publishes these events as a 1-of-N
--|   topic to notify the particular consumer component that registered to be
--|   notified of the topic when the ARINC-661 event identifier matches the
--|   Delivery Identifier for which they registered.
-- --


  function Address_to_Data_Ptr
  ( Data : in System.Address
    --| Address of data buffer provided by Reader
  ) return Topic_Type_Access is

    function Address_to_Access
    --| Type cast the address of the topic data to a pointer to
    --| the record type
    is new Unchecked_Conversion( Source => System.Address,
                                 Target => Topic_Type_Access );

  begin -- Address_to_Data_Ptr

    return Address_to_Access( Data );

  end Address_to_Data_Ptr;


  function Valid
  ( Data : in mC.Message.Data_Address_Type
    --| Access key
  ) return Boolean is
  -- ++
  --| Logic_Flow:
  --|   Validate the data and return True if successful.
  -- --

    --| Pointer to data buffer
    : Topic_Type_Access
    := Address_to_Data_Ptr( System.Address(Data) );

  begin -- Valid

    if Data_Ptr = null then
      return False;

      -- example
      if Data_Ptr.Data.Widget_Id > 0 and then
         Data_Ptr.Data.Widget_Id < 10000
        return True;
        return False;
      end if;

    end if;

  end Valid;

end mT.Topic_Widget_Event_Layer1;

Three, the instantiation of a Reader by a topic consumer.  Note, Treat_Widget_Event is the callback registered above in the Install to be executed when the event occurs.
  procedure Treat_Widget_Event
  ( Topic : in mC.Topic_Name_Type
  ) is

    package Widget_Event_Data
    is new mT.Topic_Widget_Event_Layer1.Data.Reader
           ( Access_Key => Topic_Widget_Event_Access_Key,
             Fresh_Data => True );

  begin -- Treat_Widget_Event

    --| Logic_Step:
    --|   Check if data is usable.

    if Widget_Event_Data.Valid then

      --| Logic_Stop:
      --|   Act upon the received event.

      ( Widget_Id => Widget_Event_Data.Ptr.Data.Widget_Id,
        Event     => Widget_Event_Data.Ptr.Data.Event_Tag,
        Text      => Widget_Event_Data.Ptr.Data.Text );

--  else -- not Widget_Event_Data.Valid
    end if; -- Widget_Event_Data.Valid

  end Treat_Widget_Event;
Instead of the check of Widget_Event_Data.Valid, a check that Widget_Event_Data.Ptr is non-null could have been done.  Any use of the topic data fields accessible via the Widget_Event_Data.Ptr.Data pointer could have been done.

No validation of the data had to be done in the above procedure because it had all been accomplished by the framework and the component’s Verify_Delivery_Event function when package Widget_Event_Data was instantiated (such as can occur using the constructor of a C++/C# class).

When the above topic Reader was instantiated, the data buffer was located and then the common validation was performed.
function Topic_Validation
( Validation : in Validation_Access_Type;
  Data       : in mC.Message.Data_Address_Type;
  Access_Key : in Key_Type
) return Boolean is

  --| Pointer to topic header
  : Message_Header_Ptr_Type
  := Address_to_Header_Ptr( System.Address(Data) );

  --| True if topic data is valid and contains the data values that the
  --| component needs to treat the topic
  : Boolean;

  use type Apps.Component_Selector_Type;
  use type mC.Itf_Types.Verify_Filter_Entry_Point_Type;

begin -- Topic_Validation

  --| Logic_Step:
  --|   Do any general validation of the header.
  --| Notes:
  --|   o For remote messages, the CRC checked when received as well as a
  --|     valid, expected Source for the topic.
  --|   o For local messages, the header really doesn't mean anything.

  -- The following is an illustration of examining the header.
  if Integer(Header_Ptr.Source.User_Id) = Integer(Local_App.Id) or else
     ( Header_Ptr.Source.User_Id = 0 and then
       Header_Ptr.Source.Com_Id  = 0 and then
       Header_Ptr.Source.Sub_Id  = 0 )
    Console.Write( "Local Topic instance" );
    Console.Write( "Remote Topic instance",
                   Integer(Header_Ptr.Source.Sub_Id) );
  end if;

  --| Logic_Step:
  --|   Do general validation for the particular topic.

  if Validation /= null then
    Valid := Validation( Data => Data );
    Valid := True; -- no validation routine to modify the original validity
  end if;

  if Valid then

    --| Logic_Step:
    --|   Do any component specific validation or filtering of the consumer.

    if Key_Type(Access_Key).User_Record.Verify /= null then
      Valid := Key_Type(Access_Key).User_Record.Verify
               ( Data => System.Address(Data) );
    end if;

    Console.Write_Error("Topic_Validation Valid of False");
  end if;

  return Valid;

end Topic_Validation;

In the above, the topic header is first checked.  If no problems are found, other general validation could be done.  Next, the supplied Validation callback for the topic is executed.  If that returns Valid of True, any Verify callback of the component of the Reader is executed.  If Valid is returned as True, the reader will make the data pointer available to the topic consumer.

Last, the Verify / Filter function of the topic consumer as invoked by the last step of Topic_Validation.
  function Verify_Delivery_Event -- of Verify_Filter_Entry_Point_Type access
  ( Data : in System.Address
  ) return Boolean is
  -- ++
  --| Logic_Flow:
  --|   Verify/filter the topic when instantiate the Reader.
  -- --

    --| Pointer to the topic data as provided by the above callback from
    --| the topic Reader instantiation
    : mT.Topic_Widget_Event_Layer1.Topic_Type_Access
    := mT.Topic_Widget_Event_Layer1.Address_to_Data_Ptr( Data );

  begin -- Verify_Delivery_Event

    if Data_Ptr.Data.Widget_Id = abc or else
       ( Data_Ptr.Data.Widget_Id >= xyz and then
         Data_Ptr.Data.Widget_Id <= zyx )
      return True;
      return False;
    end if;

  end Verify_Delivery_Event;

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